Out N’ About – QB Reads at the Museum
You are invited to join us at the museum for an exclusive session of QB Reads featuring Judy LeBlanc, reading from her brand new memoir!The reading will be followed by a presentation and discussion on Tribal Canoe Journeys (an annual cultural event held across the Pacific Northwest) with members of the Singing Coho Canoe family and the Qualicum First Nation.Marked by grief after the loss of her mother in 2015, Judy began to research and write about the impacts of erasure in her family. Her explorations led her to participate in Tribal Canoe Journeys for three consecutive summers. Judy is writer from Fanny Bay. Several of her stories have been published in literary journals, and her first novel, The Broken Heart of Winter, was published in 2023. Born and raised on the West Coast, she was the founder of the Fat Oyster Reading Series in Fanny Bay and taught creative writing at the North Island College for several years.Join Judy and members of the Qualicum First Nation on Saturday June 15th at 4 pm at the QB Museum for a intriguing event of memory and culture.