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Global Outreach

What we do: We explore global issues which affect women.  The Global Outreach  group has 2 co-chairs,  and we are happy to welcome new members.  We currently provide financial support to schools and individuals in Guatemala, Tanzania, and Pakistan. We partner with well-known organisations:  Canadian Harambee Education Society (CHES) in Kenya and Tanzania; Developments in Literacy (DIL) in Pakistan; and Aldea Maya in Guatemala. 

What we’re about:  We share an interest in World Development, the education of girls and women worldwide and the continuing education of our members on these topics.  We prefer to sponsor students and projects with which we have some personal connection, in order to maintain communication.  Each Club member supports these projects through her club fees which are augmented by our major fund-raising Book Sale in September or October.

Meetings: We meet when we need to, not every month.

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East Africa

East Africa, CHES: For many years our Club has sponsored a CHES girl in either Kenya or Tanzania in East Africa.  This year we have a new girl, in Katesh, TZ in her first year of secondary school.  

CHES is headquartered in Richmond, BC, and supported by people throughout  Canada.  For our donation of $600 per year a student has her fees paid, is boarded in safe accommodation, receives her meals and school supplies and textbooks.  CHES sends each sponsor twice-yearly updates on marks, a photo, and a personal letter from our student. CHES has been using this model since its inception and has had great results.  

Secondary school is not free in Kenya or TZ and most families cannot afford the fees.  If they have some money they will educate a boy, not a girl.  Having Canadian ‘agents’ in the field at all times in Kenya, for instance, provides a lot of accountability for the health and safety of up to 500 girls in the two locations.  

If you are ready to travel again?  Here is a wonderful opportunity!  CHES invites retirees, especially those in the education field, to volunteer 3 – 6 months of their time helping oversee the CHES operations in Kakamega, Kenya.  You may find it a life-changing opportunity.  You will have a lot of fun and adventure while making a real difference in the lives of very poor but bright young Kenyan women. CHES has a clean, secure home of their own in Kakamega where you would live, only a 10 minute walk to the nearest ‘shopping centre’ where you can buy ‘almost’ anything you need!  In quieter work times, world famous game parks, attractions and beaches in Kenya, Tanzania and other nearby African countries are there to visit.  Your only expense is your airfare (tax receipt available) and your personal living expenses in Kakamega.  If interested, contact 1-778-565-5261, or email CHES at


Guatemala, Aldea Maya: Another project, founded and run by a long-time Club member, is in the volcanic mountains of Guatemala in an area devastated some years ago by an avalanche.  We support their efforts to educate their children at least through middle school, and to teach food production on challenging land where malnutrition is chronic. 


Pakistan, DIL: Our Club has members who support schools/projects personally and have taught us about them.  One such project we now support is an elementary school for destitute boys and girls in a very poor area in Karachi, Pakistan.